we have never been superwoman
Directed & Writter by Paula Romero
Documentary, 45''
2016, Spain
Five women, ve stories, one city (Jerez de la Frontera, Spain) where women’s testimonies from the end of the Spanish dictatorship until today provide the backdrop for the question: Are women superwomen?
More information on the Nunca Fuimos Supwerwoman website
Directed by
Paula Romero
Featured by
Adela García
Carmen Núñez
Inmaculada Espinosa
Carmen González
Vanessa Muñoz
Mentored by
Trinidad Núñez
María Eugenia Gutiérrez
Executive Producer
Paula Romero
Camera Operators
Paula Romero
Noelia Carretero Mancilla
Pepe Parra
Edited by
Paula Romero
Sound Designer
Javier Álvarez
Music Composer
Chencho Jiménez (Teclado)
David Strike (Trompeta)
Thiago Vásquez (Guitarra)
Begoña Abad
Thanks to
Café-Bar Damajuana
Sala Paul
Manuel Álvarez López